According to the forecast – and the rains we have been having – it appears that we here in Minnesota are in for a week of dreary and drab weather. While I miss getting outdoors for some walking or tending to the gardens, I must also acknowledge that there is something about ‘hunkering down’ for the day that encourages the urge to create! After all, one is momentarily freed of all the outdoor work that comes with summer, especially in climates where winter is long and cold! So there is freedom to tackle any number of projects! More…

I hope you enjoy my new site and that it may inspire you to discover just a bit more creativity than you had before your visit! For years, I have asked myself the question, “At what age do we lose that unbridled enchantment with the world that we had as children?” After all, if you ask a child to create, pretend, or imagine, they rarely say they can’t! Yet somehow, as we grow, we seem to lose touch with that creative intuition. It helps to surround ourselves with others who encourage us to dig deep and find those creative urges. More…