It was with some dismay that as I began to write this post, I realize the date of my last post was in late February. ARGH! I’m not sure why this would ‘surprise’ me; this was about the time that my dedicated lymes doctor decided that I needed to change my medication protocol and needless to say, the changes have knocked me off my feet! For those of you who may not be familiar with chronic lymes, this is an unfortunate reality for those who are attempting to drive the lymes into remission! I remember many of my older relatives often commenting that sometimes you have to feel worse before you get better; that sure is true of chronic lymes treatment where successful applications of drugs cause the nasty cells to die off, which cause you to feel quite miserable as your body tries to rid itself of all the toxins! Needless to say, I am looking forward to better days; I just don’t know when they will arrive! Meanwhile, I will do what I can, when I can – but no one can make me like it! 🙂 More…