As I look out my windows this morning, it is snowing like crazy, but the beauty of the snow belies the very cold temps that we are experiencing here in Minnesota. It’s hard to explain to our little Aussie just why it wouldn’t be much fun to play outside. But it’s a wonderful day for finally having time to sit down and catch up on my blog. Somehow Christmas 2014 has come and gone, along with my birthday, two of my best friends’ birthdays and my youngest daughter’s birthday(New Years Eve!), and of course New Year’s Day 2015! For those of you who celebrate other traditions, that would include the passing of another Hannukka, Kwanzaa, and winter solstice; I love the opportunity to learn about other traditions than my own. I think they give us all a chance to add joy and meaning to our lives without having to sacrifice any of our own – and in the long, cold, dark season of winter, we can use all the joy we can get! As I look forward to another year, I do want to share some of the projects that I completed for Christmas – I couldn’t share them before as certain recipients would have found out just what was coming their way! More…