ChainStitching1 copy Yes, I have finally found time to get back to posting. As the title to this post, suggests, January was a different sort of month for me. And before I continue please note that I am very aware that many of you have stood in ‘these shoes’ before me; and like so many things in life, it’s just a whole different story when ‘it’s your turn’! While I do like to keep my posts focused on quilting, wool work, handwork, pattern designing, etc. I also realize that we cannot always ‘compartmentalize’ the activities and events of our daily lives. More…

Susan Nelson's 'Mandala Dreams' in avocado and black

Susan Nelson’s ‘Mandala Dreams’ in avocado and black

Close up of Susan Nelson's 'Mandala Dreams'

Close up of Susan Nelson’s ‘Mandala Dreams’

Who would have thought that when I designed and produced my pattern “Mandala Dreams’ that in less than 2 years it would become all the rage to see the proliferation of ‘adult’ coloring books, many of which feature the untold design possibilities of mandalas! I tend to think of mandalas in relationship to Bhuddist monks; if I am not mistaken, some years ago I believe it was the Minnesota Science Museum (History Museum?) that brought in some monks to create – and then destroy – a large sand mandala. Anyhow, one of my fellow quilters here in Prior Lake decided to try my Mandala Dreams pattern and make a gift for her mother. Many of you may know Susan Nelson as the creator of the Fun’N’Done Patterns; she is an accomplished quilter and a talented sewer. She chose a rich avocado green and black wool felt to work with. (Begging your pardon – for some reason I could not get the color very accurate in the photo – even with the help of photoshop!) Anyhow, she did a wonderful job and was going to do a second one! Thank you Susan for sharing this!

Wool 'mug rug' by Mary Ring, Prior Lake Quilter and DayStitcher

Wool ‘mug rug’ by Mary Ring, Prior Lake Quilter and DayStitcher

This amazing little wool ‘mug rug’ was created by Mary Ring, one of my fellow Prior Lake Quilters and Daystitchers (those are actually two separate groups – one a daytime group, while the other is a more formally organized evening group – but many belong to both). She surprised me by presenting it to me as a thank you for my presentation introducing wool work to the group! [I had made little kits (for creating a mug rug) and gave them out to the group so all would have a chance to try wool/wool felt without having to find and buy supplies.] Anyhow, I think there have been a few ‘converts’!! To say the least, Mary is quite the ‘craftswoman’ and her stitches and workmanship is beautiful. I only wish you could see her exquisite stitches in the photo. To say the least, this will not be holding any of my mugs – I’m looking for a frame to put it in, so I can hang it on the wall; I’ll always see the beautiful work, but even more, I will be reminded of the kindness and friendships I have found through quilting and handwork! Thank you Mary!