Category  >    >  Modern Leaves

Modern Leaves

14" X 14" Applique Table Topper Pattern, designed in wool felt or felted woven wools

This 14″ X 14″ square topper presents a contemporary representation of nature, using traditional stitches and techniques, but arriving at a very modern look. Two versions are included in the pattern: two different colorways with a choice of border design! Because of the simple shapes and basic stitches, this is a great topper for a beginner.

ModernLeavesFALL-silk copy ModernLeavesGRN1-silk copy ModernLeavesFALL-CU2 copy ModernLeavesGRN-CU-silk copy ModernLeavesFALL-withFLWRS1 copy ModernLeavesGRNwithbowl copy

Price: $10.95