Oh Deer! Snow's A'Coming
Is there anything more lovely than those magical days when the season’s first snowflakes begin descending – swirling and floating to the ground? The skies are blue gray and foretell the cold season to come. And if one is lucky enough to be able to find a quiet spot in nature to witness the event, it is even possible to hear those snowflakes fall. Outside in the open woodland spaces, the deer gracefully raise their heads and sniff the cold air that tells them winter is arriving. This 20 1/2″ x 10 1/4″ table runner/mat can be left out all winter long, is perfect for the northwoods cabin, and certainly appeals to those who enjoy the gifts of Mother Nature! And if you have no need of – or place for – a runner, this pattern can also be ‘halved’ – making a wall hanging about 10 1/2″ x 11-12″ that features one deer. Made from woven felted wool, this pattern can also be made with wool felt blends and – with some adjustments in construction – regular quilting cottons and flannels. The pattern features common woolen embroidery stitches as well as the beaded blanket stitch (instructions included), metallic thread snowflakes and even the use of colored pencils/paint stiks for added dimension.