I hope you enjoy my new site and that it may inspire you to discover just a bit more creativity than you had before your visit!  For years, I have asked myself the question, “At what age do we lose that unbridled enchantment with the world that we had as children?”  After all, if you ask a child to create, pretend, or imagine, they rarely say they can’t!  Yet somehow, as we grow, we seem to lose touch with that creative intuition.  It helps to surround ourselves with others who encourage us to dig deep and find those creative urges.

It seems that no matter how much creativity one might be currently exercising, there are always opportunities to something new to ‘add to the mix.’  The designing, creating, and producing of patterns has been quite a journey – notwithstanding the establishment of a website and blog!  I expect that this creative journey isn’t really done, and I look forward to you sharing the road ahead.  It is my goal to add posts that include information about materials, techniques, and design choices and decisions.  While I generally have no problem producing a continuous flow of new ideas and I love creating the actual pieces, it will certainly be a creative challenge to learn the ins and outs of successful blogging!  In that process, I expect that I will learn as much from you as I hope you might learn from me!

Along with this welcome, I would be remiss in failing to recognize those who have encouraged and helped me to get to this point.  My weekly quilting group – better known as the Daystitchers – always provides gentle encouragement.   I am thankful for my husband and other family members who are willing to accept undone housework, cluttered piles of creative projects, rather interesting meals and the considerable complaining I do when trying to gain the cooperation of the computer!  I would especially like to thank my son Matthew,  who has been more than patient and helpful in developing and designing the website.  I don’t believe this would have happened without his contribution!

2 Responses so far.

  1. Jane Coultas says:

    Matthew did a wonderful job on your site. Shows your designs beautifully.

  2. Mary !

    These are gorgeous ! I hope you make some and sell patterns for the fair at Whiz Bang Days on July 14 th. Bring at least 30 patterns and several that people could buy –

    Suzi McArdle
    Exhibits Director
    Robbin Gallery of Art

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